General Information


Cardiovascular system

Digital subtraction angiography (DSA)

Aortic stenting/ endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR/ TEVAR)

Peripheral arterial disease

– Angioplasty/ stenting

– Thrombolysis/ thrombectomy

Pseudoaneurysm repair/ Thrombin injection

Varicose vein treatment

– Truncal ablation (Laser/ RFA/ Microwave ablation)

– Glue (Venaseal) treatment

– Sclerotherapy

– Ambulatory phlebectomy

Dialysis access interventions

– AV fistula venoplasty/ thrombolysis/ thrombectomy

– Central venoplasty

– Dialysis catheter insertion (Hemo and peritoneal dialysis)

Central/ PICC line/ Chemoport insertion

Venous stenting for malignant central vein obstruction

Deep vein thrombosis treatment (thrombolysis/ thrombectomy/ stenting for May-Thurner)

IVC filter insertion and retrieval

Vascular malformation treatment (micowave ablation/ sclerotherapy/ embolization)


Gastrointestinal system

Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE)

Transjugular liver biopsy (TJLB)

Hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) estimation

Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS/ DIPS) creation and modification

Hepatic vein stenting/ IVC angioplasty for Budd-Chiari syndrome)

Gastric variceal obliteration (PARTO/ BRTO/ BATO/ CARTO)

Portosystemic shunt/ Abernathy occlusion

Portal vein embolization

Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram (PTC)

Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) and stenting

Embolization for gastrointestinal/ solid organ bleeding/ pseudoaneurysm/ trauma

Mesenteric artery angioplasty and stenting (PTMA)

Mesenteric embolectomy

Splenic artery embolization for primary splenomegaly

Hemorrhoid artery embolization for hemorrhoids (selected patients)

Feeding Gastrostomy/ Jejunostomy

Microwave ablation for liver/ abdominal tumors

PAIR treatment for hydatid cyst

Percutaneous cholecystostomy

Catheter drainage for abdominal abscesses/ collections

Percutaneous trucut biopsy for various abdominal organs

Nerve blocks/ neurolysis (Celiac plexus/ Lumbar sympathetic/ Splanchnic/ Renal hilar/ Hypogastric)

Abdominal lymphangiogram (diagnostic/ therapeutic) and embolization


Genitourinary system

Renal artery angioplasty/ stenting (PTRA)

Renal denervation for hypertension

Embolization for renal bleed/ pseudoaneurysm/ vascular malformation/ trauma

Transplant kidney interventions

Microwave ablation for renal tumors

Prostate artery embolization (PAE) for benign prostate hyperplasia/ bleed

Pudental angiogram/ stenting in erectile dysfunction

Coil embolization/ sclerotherapy for varicocele

Percutaneous nephrostomy

Antegrade DJ stenting

Renal cyst aspiration/ sclerotherapy

Percutaneous trucut biopsy of kidneys

Transrectal ultrasound guided (TRUS) prostate biopsy

Percutaneous drainage of genitourinary collections

Percutaneous disruption of trapped Foley’s balloon


Women’s health

Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE)

Uterine artery embolization for vacular malformation/ bleed/ post-partum hemorrhage

Ovarian vein embolization for pevic congestion syndrome

Aortic balloon occlusion in adherent placenta

Fallopian tube recanalization

Injection therapy for scar ectopics

Percutaneous biopsy of pelvic masses

Percutaneous drainage for collections and abscess

Breast mass biopsy (USG and stereotactic)

Wire location/ Clip insertion for breast mass

VAB-assisted resection of benign breast masses



Microwave/ RFA for benign thyroid nodules

Thyoid cyst aspiration/ sclerotherapy

Adrenal venous sampling

Pertrosal venous sampling

Percutaneous FNAC and biopsy



Bronchial artery embolization for hemoptysis

Pulmonary artery embolization for hemoptysis/ arteriovenous malformation

Pulmonary artery thrombectomy/ thrombolysis

Thoracic lymphangiogram/ embolization for chylothorax

Percutaneous aspiration/ drainage of pleural/ pericardial effusion and empyema

Percutaneous transcatheter pleurodesis

Percuaneous trucut biopsy of lung/ mediastinal organs/ lymph nodes/ chest wall mass

Microwave ablation for selected lung masses

Head and neck

Pre-operative tumor embolization

Embolization/ sclerotherapy for vascular malformations

Percutaeous biopsy and aspiration


Muscuoskeletal and spine

RFA/ Microwave ablation for osteoid osteoma

Pre-operative bone tumor embolization

Geniculate artery embolization for painful osteoarthritis

Joint/ facet injection

Percutaneous drainage/ aspiration of abscess/ arthrocentesis/ arthrogram

Peripheral nerve blocks

Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty

Micowave ablation for painful vertebral tumors

Spinal AVF/ AVM embolization

Vertebral body embolization (pre-operative)

Vertebral and bone biopsy

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