Here, you will find a curated collection of our latest peer-reviewed articles, scientific papers, conference proceedings, and other scholarly publications across various medical specialties. From groundbreaking studies in cardiology and oncology to advancements in surgical techniques and public health initiatives, our research endeavors span the spectrum of healthcare, addressing critical issues and driving meaningful change in the field.

As a leading research institution, we prioritize collaboration, excellence, and integrity in all our research endeavors. Each publication reflects our unwavering commitment to scientific rigor, ethical conduct, and the pursuit of evidence-based solutions to improve patient outcomes and transform healthcare delivery.


      1. Publications:

We invite you to explore our Research Publications page and delve into the wealth of knowledge generated by our esteemed researchers. Whether you are a fellow researcher, healthcare professional, student, or simply curious about the latest advancements in medicine, we hope you find inspiration and insight within these pages.

          a) Research programmes 2021-2023

          b) Research programmes 2018-2020

      2. Ongoing Research Programmes

      3. Future research programmes

      4. Workshops, seminars and conferences

Welcome to IQRAA’s vibrant hub of learning and community involvement. Over the years, we’ve been dedicated to fostering an environment where knowledge thrives and meaningful conversations take place. Through a myriad of events, workshops, and seminars, we’ve enriched the experiences of our members and strengthened our connections with the community we serve. As we look back on

the year gone by, we’re thrilled to share an overview of the diverse events that have contributed to our mission of knowledge and empowerment.

In the academic year 2022-23, IQRAA played host to over 10 major Continuing Medical Education (CME) events and conferences organized by different departments. These gatherings served as invaluable platforms for healthcare professionals to exchange ideas, engage in dialogue, and stay abreast of the latest advancements in research and their respective fields.

Moreover, our commitment to research excellence was exemplified through a series of research workshops designed to equip scholars with essential skills and insights. From fostering innovation and creativity in research to honing communication and presentation abilities, these workshops provided invaluable opportunities for intellectual growth and professional development. Additionally, our focus on securing research funding and grantsmanship underscored our dedication to supporting groundbreaking research endeavors.

One of the highlights of 2023, was the celebration of World Kidney Day on March 11th, 2023, where we witnessed an overwhelming turnout of over 1500 participants. This event not only raised awareness about kidney health but also underscored the importance of community engagement and collaboration and research driven projects in addressing healthcare challenges.

As we continue to pave the way for knowledge dissemination and scholarly exchange, IQRAA remains committed to providing a platform for learning, innovation, and holistic growth. Join us as we embark ona journey of discovery, empowerment, and impact.


The three-day long Second International Infectious Diseases Congress (ID Congress) was held on January 19, 20, 21 at Lavandis Convention Center, Mokavoor, Kozhikode. The Congress is organized by Iqraa International Hospital and Research Centre, Kozhikode in association with Federation of Clinical Pharmacists in India (FCPI).
ID Congress is all about a platform to discuss and share the insights about the treatment of infectious diseases especially found in critically ill patients. It discussed the challenges posed by the misuse of antibiotics, and innovative therapeutic approaches.More than 1,000 participated, 45+ paper presentation, 60+ oral and poster presentation and among the delegates we had infectious disease specialists, intensivists, clinical pharmacists and clinical microbiologists.
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