Department     : DIABETOLOGY


:   09:30 AM - 01:40 PM
:   09:30 AM - 01:40 PM
:   09:30 AM - 01:40 PM
:   09:30 AM - 01:40 PM
:   09:30 AM - 01:40 PM
:   09:30 AM - 01:40 PM
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Specialization: Senior Consultant in Internal Medicine and Diabetes
Qualification: MD, FRCP, FIMSA
Alma mater: Government Medical college, Trivandrum
Training/ Fellowships:
● “Training course on leprosy for medical officers” at CLT&RI,(DGHS),
Chengalpet, Tamil Nadu, 02-07-90 to 10-08-90.
● Training Course on “Management of primary health care in rural areas” at
National Institute of Rural Development, Government of India, Hyderabad, 11-
08-94 to 17-08-94.
● “Basic course in statistics for doctors” at IRMS (ICMR), Chennai, 20-02-1995
to 04-03-95.
● Training Course on “Biomedical Research & the internet” conducted by
National Informatics centre, Government of India, New Delhi, 10-07-01 to
● Training on Epidemic Preparedness and Response. Attended as participant
and facilitator in National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai. ICMR, GOI: Nov
& Dec 2001.
● International Course on “Clinical Trial Design and Conduct” in AIIMS, New
● Postgraduate diploma in health science in diabetology, in Annamalai
University, Tamil Nadu, India 2006 – 2007
● FRCP (Glasg) : Fellow of Royal college of Physicians and Surgeons of
Glasgow, August 2019
● FIMSA: Fellow of International Medical Sciences Academy: 2015: International
Medical Sciences Academy
• 2007 June – till date: Consultant physician and Diabetologist in IQRAA
• 2004 April – 2007 April : Chief Medical officer & consultant physician,
Daya Hospital, Meppayur, Calicut District, Kerala State, India.
● 2002 April – 2004 March. : Physician,Kulhudhuffushi Regional hospital,
Republic of Maldives. Apart from medical practice, the job responsibilities
included patient care, health education to nursing students and conducting
community education programs.
● 1992 – 2002 April. : Research Officer / Senior Research Officer in ICMR,
Government of India. In this assignment engaged in different research studies
conducted as part of the institutional functioning. Conducted training for
professionals in health research.
● 1991 – 1992 – Research Officer in Central Leprosy Teaching & Research
Institute, Government of India
● 1987 – 1990 – Worked As General Duty Medical Officer In A Multi-Specialty
Hospital in Trivandrum, Kerala.
Area(s) of Interest: Non-communicable diseases especially Diabetes.
Awards/ honors/ recognitions:
● Diabetes awareness initiative award 2015 by Diabetes India Association. A
National Level Award Instituted for doing extraordinary work in creating
awareness about diabetes among patients and general public
● Diabetes a Diabetes awareness initiative award 2014.(National Award)
Research papers/ journals published:
Papers Published
1. Neeraj Manikath, Suresh Kumar SK, Sajeethkumar KG, Kripal MK, Sindhu
PK, Prevalence of Dysglycemia Among Asymptomatic Young Adults in North
Kerala, BMH Med. J. 2019;6(3):81-85.
2. Suresh Kumar SK, Shameer VK, Sama Abdulkadar, Rojith K Balakrishnan,
Neeraj M, Kripal M, Sajeeth Kumar KG. Knowledge, Attitude, Behavioural
Response and Use of Preventive Measures in Response to Nipah Outbreak –
A Descriptive Study from Calicut City., BMH Med. J. 2019;6(4):100-105.
3. Shihabudheen, S. K. Suresh Kumar, N. A. Uvais, An Unusual Case of
Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes Developed during Puerperium P., Korean J Fam
Med 2021;42:255-256
4. K. G. Sajeeth Kumar, S. K. Suresh Kumar, Rahul Rajeev Attainment
of treatment targets among type 2 diabetic patients first attending a
tertiary care setting in sub-urban Kerala. Journal of Evidence Based
Medicine and Healthcare, Volume 3, Number 27, 2016, pp. 1257-1260(4)
5. Murthy BN, Jabbar S, VenkataRao T, Suresh Kumar SK and Gupte MD.
Components of small area variation in fertility rates among married women
in south India. .International Journal of Epidemiology, 32:639-644, 2003.
6. Thilakavathi Subramanian, Suresh Kumar S.K., Kachirayan M,
Ramakrishnan R and Mohan D Gupte.Risk of STDs/ AIDS in the sexual
behaviour of eunuchs from Villupuram district.Indian Jl.of Sex.
Transm.Diseases 20(2) 47-53, 1999.
7. Thilakavathi Subramanian., Venkatarao, T., Ramakrishnan R, Suresh Kumar,
S.K. and Gupte M.D. A Study on psycho-social aspects of geriatric people in
a rural area. Indian Jl. Of Preventive and Social medicine 30(2), 66-73, 1999.
8. VenkataRao, T., Ramakrishnan, R., Nair, N.G.K., Radhakrishna,
S., Sundaramoorthy, L., Mohammad Koya, P.K. and Suresh Kumar, S.K.
Effect of Vitamin A supplementation to mother and infant on morbidity in
infancy. Indian Pediatrics 33: 279-286, 1996
9. P Krishnamurthy, PS Rao, M Subramaniyan, SK Suresh Kumar and
PN Neelan, Mycobacterium leprae soluble antigen (REES) skin test responses
in an endemic population in India Ind J leprosy, Vol 65(1), 1993, 49 – 57.
10.PS Rao, V Ekambaram, BN Reddy, P krishnamurthy, SK Suresh Kumar &
A Dutta.Is bacteriological examination by skin smear necessary in
all paucibacillary leprosy patients in Mass control programmas? Lepr Rev
(1991) 62, 303 – 309
Posters presented :
● An unusual case of fulminant Type 1 Diabetes developed during purperium.
Dr Suresh Kumar S K,Dr.NeerajManikothDrK.G.Sajeeth Kumar, .2017
RSSDI : Bhubaneswar
● Gender Difference in Diabetes Prevalence in north Kerala; A Community
Based Study. Dr Suresh Kumar S K, DrShameer V K, DrK.G.Sajeeth Kumar,
DrNeerajManikath, DrRojithBalakrishnan 2017 RSSDI : Bhubaneswar
● Prevalence of dysglycemia among asymptomatic young adults in North Kerala,
Dr.SureshKumar.S.K,Neeraj M, Sajeethkumar.K.G., Kripal.M.K. RSSDI 2015.

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