Dr Renjith T P is a specialist in Emergency Medicine. He completed his MBBS & MD (Emergency Medicine) from Government Medical College, Kozhikode. He also has a DNB in Emergency Medicine from NBE. He is an AHA certified instructor in BLS, ACLS & Heartsaver courses. His special areas of interest in Emergency Medicine are Cardiac emergencies & Emergency point of care Ultrasonography.
MBBS – Government Medical College, Kozhikode (2013)
MD Emergency Medicine – Government Medical College, Kozhikode (2019)
DNB Emergency Medicine – National Board of Examination, New Delhi (2021)
Work Experience
Senior Resident in Emergency Medicine – Government Medical College, Kozhikode
Specialist in Emergency Medicine – Kozhikode District Cooperative Hospital, Kozhikode
1. Certificate of appreciation from Government of Kerala for the service during Nipah epidemic in Kozhikode 2018
2. EMA (Emergency Medicine Association) India award 2018 for the exceptional work done by the department during Nipah Epidemic in Kozhikode 2018
3. Late Breaker Abstract (Poster) to the ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene) 67th Annual Meeting, held on Oct 28th- Nov 1st 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
4. Presented original research “BRIPPED Scan for evaluation of patients with respiratory distress presenting to Emergency department “at EM INDIA 2018 BHU, Varanasi – Annual National Conference of Emergency Medicine Association &ACEE India
5. Presented case report titled “CATASTROHIC PRESENTATION OF RHEUMATOLOGIC DISEASE IN ED” – a case on Catastrophic APLA at EM INDIA 2018 BHU, Varanasi – Annual National Conference of Emergency Medicine Association &ACEE India
6. Presented case report titled “ THE DEADLY FACE OF A FAMILIAR FRIEND” – case on Colchicine toxicity at EM INDIA 2017, Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi – Annual National Conference of Emergency Medicine Association &ACEE India
7. Faculty in TELE CGPCON 2019, Annual State Conference of IMA CGP 2019
8. Speaker at multiple state and national level conferences in Emergency Medicine.
1. ACLS Provider (Advanced Cardiac Life Support),American Heart Association
2. BLS Provider (Basic Life Support), American Heart Association
3. PALS (Paediatric Advanced Life Support), American Heart Association
4. ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) (American College of Surgeons)
5. AUTLS (AIIMS Ultrasound Trauma Life Support)
6. ACLS Instructor (Advanced Cardiac Life Support),American Heart Association
7. BLS Instructor (Basic Life Support), American Heart Association
Articles Published
1. Clinical Manifestations of Nipah Virus–Infected Patients Who Presented to the Emergency Department During an Outbreak in Kerala State in India, May 2018, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Radhakrishnan Chandni, T P Renjith, Arshad Fazal, Noufel Yoosef, C Ashhar, N K Thulaseedharan, K P Suraj, M K Sreejith, K G Sajeeth Kumar, V R Rajendran, A Remla Beevi, R L Sarita, Attayur P Sugunan, Govindakarnavar Arunkumar, D T Mourya, Manoj Murhekar, , ciz789, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciz789