Dr. Muhammad Abdu Yamani Charity Programme

Dr. Muhammad Abdu Yamani, whom we hold in high esteem, was the founder and mentor of our hospital. His services to the religion and Ummah were varied. His yearning for spreading the love of noble Messenger (SAAWS), his efforts in maintaining the heritage of the holy cities, his efforts in nurturing a religiously guided media, his efforts in championing causes of the Ummah, his efforts in education, his concerns about the state of Ummah worldwide, his consideration of all Muslims, irrespective of gender, color, race, language, class and nativity as one single body are unsurpassed. We understand that his efforts were an embodiment of the Hadeeth of the noble Messenger (SAAWS); “If the Last day approaches & one of you is having an offshoot, let him plant it”. He was a soul that had little of rest, working up to the final days of his life.


Charity Clinic

Free consultation for poor patients

  • Investigation and diagnostic facilities including Lab tests, X-ray, CT scan, and USG at a concessionalrate.
  • Medical treatment and surgeries at concessional charges.
  • Special sponsorship promotion by well-wishers to avail free diagnosis and treatment for poor patients.


Charity Drug Bank

A separate pharmacy set up for giving medicines at free of cost to orphans, for those who are below poverty line, etc.


Mobile Medical Unit

The mobile medical unit is a mode of treatment provided by a multi- disciplinary team comprising social workers, nurses, and pharmacists etc. with the help of dedicated vehicle to visit and provide treatment at the residence of the person with chronic illness and bed-ridden patients.


Community Medical Camps

Community Medical camp provides free medical consultation and other treatments for needy patients in slum areas, coastal and other rural areas using the mobile medical unit.

Spinal Cord Injury Care Programme

Spinal cord injury is a common cause of disability for young adults which pushes their family is to poverty and dependence. This programme is a treatment and rehabilitation medical initiative for such bed ridden and spinal cord injury patients.


Dialysis Sponsorship Programme

IQRAA dialysis center is one of the largest centres in the area rendering valuable service to poor kidney patients. Current dialysis on no loss no profit basis will be added with free sessions through sponsorship.


Charity Equipment Bank

This bank has a collection of equipment like wheelchairs, water bed, crutches etc. This will be supplied free of cost or on the use and return basis to the patients, either for permanent or temporary use. Many of these are costly equipment’s and needed only for temporary use. Many poor patients find this too burdensome.

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